About us / For press
The NAUTILUS Gallery and Auction House was established in Krakow in 1993. Since its inception it has specialised in painting and graphic arts, taking up a variety of fine art trade and promotion activities. NAUTILUS holds art exhibitions and auctions, publishes catalogues and albums and is a member of the Association of Polish Art and Antique Dealers and the prestigious Confederation Internationale des Negociants en Oeuvres d'Art (CINOA, established 1935 in Brussels). We collaborates on a daily basis with museums, cultural institutions, auction houses and other galleries. For lovers of painting, graphic arts and sculpture NAUTILUS offers a vast selection of artworks by major artists whose names appear in all art history books as well as objects by present-day artists. Since 2014, the gallery has had its seat at ul. Św. Jana 12, in a tenement which has for more than a hundred years belonged to the Krakow Heritage Society (Towarzystwo Miłośników Historii i Zabytków Krakowa).